I like to create videos to share what I've learned and to better help retain that information.

Here is what I've learning... In a video format.


Testing Routes & Views


A technical deep-dive into HelioStream, the real-time streaming library I wrote for transmitting live video back to Earth.


Laravel Livewire Component CRUD


A technical deep-dive into HelioStream, the real-time streaming library I wrote for transmitting live video back to Earth.

Lessons learned from our first product recall

Business of Startups 2020

They say that if you’re not embarassed by your first version, you’re doing it wrong. Well when you’re selling DIY space shuttle kits it turns out it’s a bit more complicated.


Laravel Livewire Component CRUD


A technical deep-dive into HelioStream, the real-time streaming library I wrote for transmitting live video back to Earth.

Lessons learned from our first product recall

Business of Startups 2020

They say that if you’re not embarassed by your first version, you’re doing it wrong. Well when you’re selling DIY space shuttle kits it turns out it’s a bit more complicated.